Gigi Hadid and Varun Dhawan are creating a heavy buzz on the Internet after a video of the actor lifting the supermodel in his arms and dancing went viral. Now, Gigi Hadid has reacted to the viral video on her Instagram handle. Re-sharing the video on her Instagram stories, she wrote, “@Varundvn making my Bollywood dreams come true,” followed by laughing emoticons. Earlier today, a video went viral in which Varun can be seen lifting Hollywood supermodel Gigi Hadid in his arms and planting a kiss on her cheek. Many internet users said that Gigi looked visibly uncomfortable and slammed the actor for his behaviour.
First, check out the viral video below:Â
Now, check out Gigi Hadid’s reaction:Â
Varun Dhawan also issued a clarification over a viral video on his Twitter: “Many internet users said that the model looked visibly uncomfortable and slammed the artist for his behaviour.”Â
Read Varun Dhawan’s tweet below:Â
I guess today you woke up and decided to be woke. So lemme burst ur bubble and tell u it was planned for her to be on stage so find a new Twitter cause to vent about rather then going out and doing something about things . Good morning ?
— VarunDhawan (@Varun_dvn) April 2, 2023
Meanwhile, Gigi Hadid’s day 2 OOTD was a white and gold Chikankari saree with a gold statement blouse, both by Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla. To accentuate her look, the model added bangles and statement earrings.Â
Take a look below:Â
Gigi Hadid is an American model and has featured in several music videos such as Pillowtalk, Flower, Bad Blood and others. Apart from Gigi Hadid, other Hollywood stars who attended the event were Zendaya, Tom Holland and Penelope Cruz, to name a few.Â
On the work front, Varun Dhawan was last seen in Bhediya. Next, he will be seen in Bawaal with Janhvi Kapoor.
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