The launch of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre was attended by some of the biggest names in Bollywood and Hollywood. Some of the celebrities at the event included Zendaya, Tom Holland, Penelope Cruz, Gigi Hadid, Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh, Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas, Shah Rukh Khan, Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt, Aishwarya Rai among others. Stars such as SRK, Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt, Rashmika Mandanna, Ranveer Singh and Priyanka Chopra also performed at the launch of the special centre for performing arts. While the event was exclusive, some of our favourite stars managed to give us glimpses of the event and needless to say, it was as amazing as one guessed.
For instance, Maheep Kapoor shared a bunch of images from the event and wrote, “Incredible evening @nmacc.india. Glammed up in @arpitamehtaofficial @arpita__mehta & @tyaanijewellery. Makeup by my friend @kohlnrouge #NightToRemember.” In the images, she is also seen with her Fabulous Lives Of Bollywood Wives co-stars Bhavana Pandey, Neelam Kothari Soni, and Seema Sajdeh. We also got a glimpse of the lovely meal that the guests were served at the event – a sumptuous Indian thali.
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Karisma Kapoor too shared images with Zendaya and Tom Holland from the event. She wrote, “All heart to Nita Ji, Mukesh Ji, Isha and the Ambani Family. @nnmac.india is an alchemy of art and culture which draws from centuries of tradition. Proudly bringing Indian culture & heritage to a global platform. The last 2 days have been nothing but immersing myself in culture, fashion, beauty and so much more! Truly a grand edition to Mumbai City.”
Sonam Kapoor also offered a glimpse of the fashion exhibition presented by the centre and wrote, “This incredible space that Mrs Nita Ambani has envisioned and designed with @patrickkinmonth & @rooshadshroff and is perhaps one of the most beautiful immersive fashion exhibitions I’ve witnessed. Wonderfully curated by @hamishbowles at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre. It’s a matter of pride to see the richness and vibrance of Indian Art & Craft displayed in all its glory on such an incredible platform. What’s more, this space will serve as a source of inspiration to generations of aspiring Indian artists and designers. I could not have imagined a better homage to India in Fashion!”
Actress-content creator Kusha Kapila also shared several images. In them, she is seen with Karan Johar, Isha Ambani and Rhea Kapoor, among others. In the caption, she said, “@nmacc.india photo dump. Last night was one for the books. The scale of this cultural centre alone engulfed you, that is if you could process the people, you were walking past. I want to quickly talk about the exhibit that was and should be at the centre of this “Indian met gala”. Design, fashion and art students are going to devour it. When I was studying at NIFT, if my batchmates and I experienced something like this, I know for sure we’d be spending a lot of our time here. Think archival pieces from Indian and international designers from collections that are referenced often in design school. I enjoyed the exhibit immensely which is probably the reason I missed out on getting a selfie with Zendaya and Tom, which let’s be honest I was never going to get but hey, I saw SRK perform so I truly won last night.”
Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre in Mumbai aims to preserve and promote India’s rich art, culture and heritage through varied art forms.
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