Top 5 Health Benefits Of Eating Seasonal Food

Top 5 Health Benefits Of Eating Seasonal Food
Top 5 Health Benefits Of Eating Seasonal Food

We can find leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables in abundance during winter season, while refreshing fruits such as watermelon, muskmelon, and mangoes make summer season more special. Seasonal eating or adding more seasonal foods in our diet is a simple and effective way to acquire essential nutrients and stay healthy. It is a well-known fact that seasonal foods are fresher, tastier, and have higher nutritional value than out-of-season foods. In addition to these benefits, seasonal foods are not sprayed with as many chemicals and pesticides to make them bigger or taste better.

“India is blessed with a diverse and rich variety of fruits and vegetables which change with each season. Consuming these seasonal foods not only provides a delicious and nutritious range of options but also offers numerous health benefits,” says Ruchi Sharma, nutritionist and founder of EAT FIT REPEAT (an online nutrition and wellness consultancy).

Here, the nutritionist points out the top 5 health benefits of eating seasonal foods. These include:

1. Boosts immunity

Eating seasonal fruits and vegetables helps boost immunity as they are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants required by the body. For instance, winter seasonal foods like carrots, cauliflower, and oranges which are high in Vitamin C can help fight off infections and prevent cold and flu.

2. Enhances digestion

Eating seasonal foods can help improve digestion, decrease bloating, and promote gut health. The summer season brings with it refreshing fruits such as watermelon, muskmelon, and mangoes which aid digestion and also help rehydrate the body.

3. Aids weight loss

Eating in season means eating fresh and unprocessed foods. These foods provide the body with essential nutrients and fiber which keep you feeling fuller for longer and prevent overeating. Foods such as bitter gourd, bottle gourd, and pumpkin which are commonly available in the monsoon season also aid in weight loss.

4. Promotes healthy skin

Seasonal foods contain a range of essential nutrients and antioxidants that help keep skin healthy and glowing. Tomatoes, cucumbers, and leafy greens in summer, and guava, pomegranate, and amla in winter are some of the seasonal foods that improve skin quality and reduce signs of aging.

5. Reduces the risk of chronic diseases

Eating seasonal foods can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases. The nutrients in these foods help regulate blood sugar levels, control cholesterol, and reduce inflammation. The winter season brings with it root vegetables like sweet potatoes, yams, and beets which are rich in fiber and promote heart health.

Adopt a seasonal diet

Overall, incorporating seasonal foods into your diet is an effective way to improve overall health and wellbeing. By consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables throughout the year, the body can absorb essential nutrients and prevent chronic diseases. Eating Indian seasonal foods not only provides a varied and delicious range of options but also offers numerous health benefits. By adopting a seasonal diet, you can improve immunity, digestion, manage weight, enhance skin, and prevent chronic diseases, adds Ruchi Sharma.

So, let us make a conscious effort to choose seasonal foods and enjoy their benefits all year round.

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