Abortion At Home? Search Engine Might Not Give You The Best Advice

As per WHO, abortion is a common health intervention and is safe when it is carried out by a method recommended by WHO and performed or directed by a person who has the necessary skills and qualifications. Around 45 per cent of all abortions are unsafe out of which 97 per cent take place in developing nations. Seeking information on abortion from unsafe or inaccurate resources online also comes under unsafe ways of abortion. In times of unplanned pregnancy or protecting oneself from the stigma associated with it, many women might opt for home abortion methods.

Online resources might suggest home remedies that might seem safe and effective but many times they are not and in rare cases, they might lead to unnecessary complications and critical situations in which the mother’s life could get in danger.

Risks with these home remedies

Women looking up natural ways of abortion online might find suggestions like taking some herbs or teas or engaging in some kind of intense workout. Many times, these remedies that are claimed to be safe and tested, can end up in life-threatening situations. Hence, it is important to weigh the risks associated with these recommendations and understand the importance of seeking professional help for abortion. Seeking inaccurate information and applying it without supervision can sometimes lead to the following situations-

Incomplete abortion- In this case, some foetal tissue will be left behind in the woman’s body. If urgent medical care is not given, it can result in infection and can become fatal.
Taking certain herbs in large quantities or consuming abortion pills from unreputable sources can in rare cases lead to toxicity and liver damage or failure.
Inappropriate surgical interventions or activities can cause internal injury and bleeding which can turn life-threatening for the mother.
Inserting anything through the cervix, especially sharp objects can result in severe injury and scarring. Sometimes it can also ruin your prospects for future pregnancies.

Care to follow after abortion

Self-care is a must for the overall physical health and mental well-being of the person after having an abortion. Some physical symptoms might continue to affect a person after the abortion is done like light vaginal bleeding, pain and cramping and swollen breasts. People going for an abortion must always take with them a loved one or friend who could emotionally assist them in the process. They must remember that the cervix might still take some time to close, so they are more prone to infections. Hence, they must avoid using tampons, penetrative sex, or swimming just after the abortion. It is also fine to take some days off work or daily responsibilities as the procedure can take a toll on one’s emotional health. Due to a shift in the hormonal framework, the person can experience mood swings and can become prone to anxiety or depression.

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