Ajay Devgn and Abhishek Bachchan have been friends for decades. The actors, who have worked together in movies such as Yuva and Bol Bachchan, are often seen speaking highly of each other on social media and other public platforms. Now, on the occasion of Ajay Devgn’s 54th birthday, Abhishek Bachchan has shared a special post to wish the actor. Abhishek Bachchan has shared a throwback picture that appears to be from an event. Both the stars are seen dressed fashionably in the photo. Sharing the picture, Abhishek Bachchan wrote, “Eh, Bhola. Happy birthday, brother. #throwback,” and tagged Ajay Devgn. For the unversed, Bholaa is the character that Ajay Devgn plays in his latest eponymous movie.
See the post here:
Meanwhile, two days ago, when Bholaa released, Ajay Devgn received a sweet shoutout from his wife, actress Kajol. Sharing a photo of her husband, she wrote, “Dear viewer, we have our very own Hulk aka Singham aka #Bholaa out in theatres from today. Ajay Devgn, you have made a seriously rollicking ride! Loved it.”
To this, Ajay Devgn replied, “Not all heroes wear a cape, some wear a gamcha.”
Saibal Chatterjee in NDTV’s review of the film wrote: “Bholaa, official remake of the Tamil hit Kaithi (of which, too, there is a sequel in the works), sucks out whatever air there was in Lokesh Kanagaraj’s film and delivers a stale, slapdash rehash that rides solely on Devgn’s star power. He gives it his all, but that is hardly enough to paper over the massive creases.”
Bholaa is the Hindi remake of the Tamil film Kaithi, which originally starred Karthi. The film also stars Deepak Dobriyal, Sanjay Mishra, Vineet Kumar, Gajraj Rao and Tabu in pivotal roles. This is Ajay Devgn’s fourth film as a director after U, Me aur Hum, Shivaay, and Runway 34.
Meanwhile, Abhishek Bachchan was last seen in the second season of Amazon Prime Video’s Breathe: Into The Shadows. He also appeared in the film Dasvi, co-starring Nimrat Kaur and Yami Gautam and received praise for his performance. He will be seen in Ghoomer next.
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