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    Etrasimod effective induction and maintenance therapy for moderate to severe active ulcerative colitis

    USA: A study published in The Lancet has concluded for patients which a history of moderate to severe active ulcerative colitis, Etrasimod is proven to be effective and well tolerated as an induction and maintenance therapy based on the study’s findings. They highlighted the therapeutic option further, saying, Etrasimod is a treatment capable of addressing […] More

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    Review: Moderate Drinking Doesn’t Lower Mortality

    Review: Moderate Drinking Doesn’t Lower Mortality

    A new comprehensive meta-analysis failed to find any protective effect of moderate drinking on mortality risk [1]. Linear or U-shaped? There is an ancient idea that while excessive drinking will kill you, moderate alcohol consumption is actually good for you, and until recently, it seemed to be supported by scientific evidence. Several populational studies have […] More

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    Yoga Can Help Reverse Moderate Diabetes: Yoga Asanas For Young Diabetics

    Yoga Can Help Reverse Moderate Diabetes: Yoga Asanas For Young Diabetics

    Diabetes is a condition marked by high blood sugar that is brought on by poor eating habits, inactivity, pollution, and the stresses of the modern-day, fast-paced lifestyle. In India, 77 million people were estimated to have diabetes in 2019, and by 2045, that number is projected to reach over 134 million. Nearly 57 per cent […] More

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    Study shows moderate exercise to be safe for people with muscle pain from statins

    Statins have long been the gold standard for lowering LDL or “bad” cholesterol and preventing cardiovascular disease (CVD) events, but while generally well-tolerated, they can cause muscle pain and weakness in some. Statin therapy does not exacerbate muscle injury, pain or fatigue in people engaging in moderate-intensity exercise, such as walking, according to a study […] More

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    Moderate exercise safe for people with muscle pain from statins

    Statin therapy does not exacerbate muscle injury, pain or fatigue in people engaging in moderate-intensity exercise, such as walking, according to a study published today in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The findings are reassuring for people who experience muscle pain or fatigue from statins but need to engage in physical activity […] More