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    IDP-126 effective triple-combination therapy for acne treatment in children and adolescents, study finds

    IDP-126 effective triple-combination therapy for acne treatment in children and adolescents, study finds

    USA: The fixed-combination IDP-126 gel demonstrated promising results as the first triple-combination product for acne treatment in children and adolescents aged 9 to 17 years, a recent study published in Pediatric Dermatology has shown. IDP-126 achieved significantly greater success rates than dyad combinations and vehicle. Topical clindamycin phosphate 1.2%/benzoyl peroxide 3.1%/adapalene 0.15% gel (IDP-126) showed […] More

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    Acne Excoriée: Tips To Treat This Skin-Picking Condition

    Acne is one of the most bothersome and irritating skin disorder that we face. It is a persistent problem which gets triggered die to several factors like hormonal fluctuations, weather changes, pollution, stress, etc. having pimples and acne also brings along with it the habit of picking and popping them. We all know it as […] More