Many from the Bollywood fraternity, including actor Saif Ali Khan, Prasoon Joshi, director Shoojit Sircar and several others attended a prayer meet organised by the late director Pradeep Sarkar’s family in Mumbai. Sail Ali Khan and Prasoon Joshi were clicked outside Pradeep Sarker’s residence as they arrived to attend the prayer meeting. Others who attended the prayer meet to offer their condolences included, television actress Drashti Dhami and Masaba Masaba season 2 actor Barkha Singh and Mardas Cafe director Shoojit Sircar.
The filmmaker died at Mumbai’s Lilavati hospital on March 24, his wife Panchali told news agency PTI. He was 67. The untimely death of director Pradeep Sarkar left the Bollywood fraternity in disbelief. Â Many from the industry visited his wife to pay their last respects. Vidya Balan, who made her film debut with Pradeep Sarkar’s critically acclaimed film Parineeta, was pictured at the director’s funeral along with her husband Siddharth Roy Kapur. Deepika Padukone, who worked with the late filmmaker in Lafangey Parindey was also pictured at the funeral. Rani Mukerji, who collaborated with Pradeep Sarkar on films like Laaga Chunari Mein Daag and Mardaani, was also pictured at the funeral. Neil Nitin Mukesh, who worked with the late filmmaker in the 2010 film Lafangey Parindey, also paid his final respects to the filmmaker.
Pradeep Sarkar has directed several popular music videos and commercials. He made his directorial debut with Parineeta in 2005. The film featured Vidya Balan, Saif Ali Khan and Sanjay Dutt in pivotal roles. Over the years, Pradeep Sarkar helmed films like Laaga Chunari Mein Daag, Lafangey Parindey, Mardaani to name a few. His last project as a director was the 2018 film Helicopter Eela, starring Kajol in the lead role.
Pradeep Sarkar also directed web series Coldd Lassi Aur Chicken Masala, Forbidden Love and Arranged Marriage, among others.
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