Done with the Oscars, RRR star Jr NTR returned to Hyderabad, where he received a warm welcome from fans, he was mobbed by a sea of fans at the airport. The actor returned to Hyderabad after RRR song Naatu Naatu’s glorious win at the Oscars. The film’s viral track Naatu Naatu created history by becoming the first Indian song to win an Oscar. Naatu Naatu composer MM Keeravaani and lyricist Chandrabose went on stage to collect the Oscars they won for the Best Original Song. Besides Jr NTR, his RRR co-star Ram Charan along with wife Upasana and the film’s director SS Rajamouli also attended the Academy Awards. Deepika Padukone introduced the Naatu Naatu live performance by Rahul Sipligunj and Kaala Bhairava at the Oscars.
The Naatu Naatu live performance by Rahul Sipligunj and Kaala Bhairava at the Oscars received a standing ovation from the crowd.
Standing ovation for #NaatuNaatu Performance at the #Oscars95 #RRRMovie
— RRR Movie (@RRRMovie) March 13, 2023
Deepika Padukone introduced the performance with these words: “An irresistibly catchy chorus, electrifying beats and killer dance moves to match have made this song a global sensation. It plays during a pivotal scene in ‘RRR’, a movie about the friendship between real-life Indian revolutionaries Alluri Sitarama Raju and Komaram Bheem. In addition to being sung in Telugu and illustrating the film’s anti-colonialist themes, it’s also a total banger.”
Naatu Naatu defeated the likes of Applause from Tell It Like A Woman, Hold My Hand from the movie Top Gun: Maverick, Lift me Up from Black Panther: Wakanda Forever and This Is Life from Everything Everywhere All At Once to win the Best Original Song Oscar.
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