Bollywood superstar Ajay Devgn’s love for his children is well-documented. The actor often shares pictures and videos with his daughter Nysa and son Yug on social media. Now, the actor–filmmaker has shared two special pictures with his son Yug on Instagram and has attached a sweet caption to the images. The photos feature the actor standing on a balcony with his hands around Yug. The candid frames feature both of them sharing a laugh. In the note, Ajay Devgn said: “The best part of any day is this…Won’t trade these baap-beta moments for anything in the world.” In response to the post, fans of the actor have flooded the comments section with compliments and heart emojis.
Take a look at the post here:
Recently, ahead of the release of his film Bholaa, Ajay Devgn engaged in an interactive AMA session with fans on Twitter. During this interaction, a fan asked Ajay a question about 12-year-old Yug. A Twitter user asked: “Sir, Yug ko kab launch kar rahe ho (Sir when are you launching your son Yug).” To this, Ajay Devgn had a witty response. He said, “Launch ka pata nahi, abhi toh woh sahi time pe lunch karle wahi badi baat hai (Don’t know about the launch. Right now, if he manages to do his lunch on time, it’s a big deal).”
Launch ka pata nahi, abhi toh woh sahi time pe lunch karle wahi badi baat hai
— Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) March 14, 2023
Yug was also seen accompanying his father on the sets of Bholaa, last year. Sharing an image of them in Varanasi, Ajay Devgn said, “Yug and I, finding our small moment of peace in the heart of Varanasi.”
Ajay Devgn and Kajol became parents to their son Yug in 2010, and they welcomed their daughter Nysa in 2003. The couple first met on the sets of the film Hulchul and tied the knot in 1999.
Ajay Devgn and Kajol have shared screen space in multiple movies, including Gundaraj, Ishq, Dil Kya Kare, Raju Chacha, and Pyaar Toh Hona Hi Tha. Their latest collaboration was the 2020 period drama Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior, co-starring Saif Ali Khan, for which Ajay won the National Award for Best Actor for his outstanding performance.
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