Covid 5th Wave: Does India Need To Panic Over Rising Coronavirus Cases? Watch Video


Covid 5th Wave: Amid fear of another Covid-19 wave, India on Sunday that is April 2, 2023, continued to see a spike in the daily cases and recorded a single-day jump of 3,824 infections, the highest in 184 days. India has witnessed an increase in the number of fresh Covid-19 cases over the last few days amid a sharp rise in the figure of H3N2 influenza cases in the country. One death each was reported from Delhi, Haryana, Kerala, and Rajasthan in a span of 24 hours and one was reconciled by Kerala. At present, India’s active caseload comprises 0.04 percent of the total infections, and the national Covid-19 recovery rate is at 98.77 percent. Kerala and Maharashtra are currently the worst Covid-hit states in the past few weeks. Watch Video. 

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