Vivo T2 5G is all set to launch in India on April 11 and the brand is actively teasing the design of the smartphone via Flipkart. Now, ahead of its official unveiling, a Vivo handset, thought to be the Vivo T2 5G, has appeared on the Geekbench benchmarking site. The listing suggests a Snapdragon 695 SoC and 6GB RAM on the upcoming device. The Vivo T2 5G is expected to run Android 13. It is confirmed to carry 64-megapixel dual rear camera unit and a full HD+ AMOLED display with 1300 nits of peak brightness.
A Vivo smartphone has been spotted on the Geekbench website with model number V2240. The listing dated April 6 is thought to be of Vivo T2 5G. It has scored 678 points in single-core testing and 1,933 points in multi-core testing. The listing suggests 5.33GB of RAM, which could translate to 6GB on paper. It is shown to run Android 13 operating system as well.
As per the listing, an octa-core chipset codenamed “Holi” will power the phone. It shows two CPU cores with a maximum clock speed of 2.21GHz and six cores capped at 1.80 GHz. These CPU speeds suggest the presence of a Snapdragon 695 SoC on the Vivo T2 5G.
Vivo T2 5G is scheduled to launch in India on April 11. The launch event will begin at 12pm IST. The Vivo T2x 5G will also debut alongside. It will go on sale through Flipkart, the official Vivo website and select retail stores across the country.
Both the Vivo T2 5G and Vivo T2X 5G are teased to feature full-HD+ AMOLED displays with 1,300 nits of peak brightness and a 360Hz touch sampling rate. They are confirmed to come with a dual rear camera unit, comprising a 64-megapixel primary sensor and a 2-megapixel bokeh sensor. They are expected to be priced at under Rs. 20,000.
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