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  • ‘Twitter Verified’ Unfollows All Accounts, Hinting at Winding Down Legacy Verifications

    Twitter’s revoking of legacy verified accounts might finally be getting underway as it has begun a mass unfollowing and now follows ‘no one.’ On the ‘Twitter Verified‘ account, the following has hit the rock bottom as it has reached ‘Zero.’ Twitter’s approximately followed 420,000 legacy verified accounts earlier. Twitter had earlier warned of winding down […] More

  • Elon Musk Defends Pay Model for Twitter Amid End to Free Verified Blue Ticks

    Elon Musk on Friday defended his controversial pay model for Twitter, claiming that any social media platform that didn’t follow suit would fail because they would be swarmed by bots. Musk made his prediction on the eve of Twitter’s April 1 ultimatum that verified accounts with the cherished blue tick that had not forked over […] More