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    Self-Sabotaging Tendency: Dr Chandni Tugnait Explains The Impact It Can Have On Mental Health

    Self-Sabotaging Tendency: Dr Chandni Tugnait Explains The Impact It Can Have On Mental Health

    Self-sabotaging behaviors are actions that people carry out, knowingly or unknowingly, obstructing their progress towards personal or professional success. These actions can manifest in various ways, such as procrastination, self-criticism, or unhealthy habits. Understanding the emotional causes and the consequence of self-sabotage is crucial to addressing the issue and working towards a more fulfilling life. […] More

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    Menta Health Expert Dr Chandni Tugnait: Importance Of Understanding The Root Causes Of Burnout

    Menta Health Expert Dr Chandni Tugnait: Importance Of Understanding The Root Causes Of Burnout

    Burnout is a state of mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion that can affect our overall well-being, adversely affecting our quality of life. Most individuals struggling with burnout feel overwhelmed, constantly exhausted, emotionally detached, reduced productivity, and have drastically changed sleep patterns. To effectively manage and cope with burnout, it’s crucial to identify its root causes […] More

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    Debunking Sleep Myths: Dr Chandni Tugnait Talks About 7 Facts About Sleep

    Debunking Sleep Myths: Dr Chandni Tugnait Talks About 7 Facts About Sleep

    For centuries, people have relied on sleep myths to help them drift off into dreamland. However, modern science has debunked many of these popular beliefs, providing us with a clearer understanding of the intricacies of sleep. Researchers have studied human sleep patterns extensively and discovered that the key to falling asleep lies in the complex […] More

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    Mental health expert Dr Chandni Tugnait: A sound mind is a human right

    She was a year and a half years old when her father, a national-level shooter was struck by a physical ailment due to which he collapsed before a championship. What followed was 7 years of bedridden suffering. Growing up, seeing her father struggle for a better life every day, left a profound impact on Dr […] More