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    Parkinson’s Disease: Does It Get Triggered By Head Trauma?

    Parkinson’s disease is the second most common degenerative brain disease after dementia. It is caused by a deficiency of an important chemical in the brain called dopamine, a lack of which causes slowness of an individual along with rigidity and tremors of hands and legs. For decades various medications have been used to alleviate the […] More

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    Physical Health Issues That Could Be Signs Of Emotional Trauma

    Are you struggling with chronic pain, fatigue, or gut problems? Sometimes these physical symptoms could be a sign of an unresolved emotional trauma like post-traumatic stress disorder. As functional nutritionist Mugdha Pradhan, CEO and Founder, iThrive, says, “Emotional trauma can get repressed and stored in the body if it is not properly processed and resolved. […] More

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    FDA approves RemeOs trauma screw as first bioresorbable metal implant for marketing

    The Food and Drug Administration has granted market authorization to Bioretec for its RemeOs trauma screw which is designed to aid fixation for patients with ankle fractures. The benefits of the RemeOs trauma screw have been validated in clinical trials and have already previously been recognized by the FDA granting the Breakthrough Device Designation. Bioresorbable […] More