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    Cognitive Distortions: Do You Make Habitual Errors In Thinking?

    Most of us make errors in thinking, now and then. It is natural to fall for thinking patterns not based on facts or reality. However, when they become a pattern and start to affect your day-to-day life, then they need to be addressed. Cognitive distortions are perceptions of self, the world and life around us […] More

  • ChatGPTā€™s Greatest Achievement Might Just Be Its Ability to Trick Us Into Thinking That Itā€™s Honest

    In American writer Mark Twain’s autobiography, he quotes ā€” or perhaps misquotes ā€” former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli as saying: ā€œThere are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.ā€ In a marvellous leap forward, artificial intelligence combines all three in a tidy little package. ChatGPT, and other generative AI chatbots like it, […] More