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    Researchers develop first rapid test for Monkey pox

    The first rapid test for mpox, more commonly known as monkeypox, has been developed by a team of researchers led by Penn State. The selective molecular sensor can detect the virus within minutes, without the use of any high-end instrumental techniques like polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Current tests require health care providers to swab lesions […] More

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    Researchers show how two different types of immune cells help two billion people keep tuberculosis in check

    The key feature of tuberculosis infection in humans is the formation of granulomas, or clusters of immune cells in the lungs that contain the infection. These granulomas contain B cells, all-purpose immune cells that perform a variety of functions, from producing antibodies to regulating the activity of other cells. For years, researchers assumed that these […] More

  • IISc Researchers Develop Ultramicroscopic Supercapacitor With Enhanced Energy Storage Capacity: Details

    Researchers have developed a novel ultramicroscopic supercapacitor with enhanced energy storage and release capacity, which is fully functional and ready for deployment in any miniaturised system on-chip integration. Being much smaller and more compact than the existing ones, the supercapacitor developed at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, could potentially be used across a […] More

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    Researchers develop an artificial kidney for early detection of adverse drug reactions

    USA: A research team from POSTECH have developed an artificial kidney that allows for the early detection of adverse drug reactions. The findings from their research paper were published in Biofabrication on 13 January 2023.  The POSTECH research team led by Professor Dong-Woo Cho and Professor Jinah Jang (Department of Mechanical Engineering) fabricated a glomerular […] More