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    Menstrual Cramps: How Bad Can They Be?

    Menstrual Cramps: How Bad Can They Be?

    Periods always accompany mild pain and discomfort. For some, periods can be very painful and can disrupt their day-to-day life. They are one of the most common causes of pelvic pain and people usually experience them before or during periods. The pain is caused by uterine contractions that your body initiates to shed the endometrial […] More

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    Menstrual Health: Why It Matters For Women’s Overall Well-Being?

    The subject of menstrual health has been plagued by a long-standing history of cultural and religious biases, patriarchal ideologies, and a general dearth of awareness and education. Menstruation has traditionally been viewed through a lens of impurity, leading to negative attitudes and stigmatization. In patriarchal societies, a culture of ‘silence’ and ‘shame’ has further propagated […] More

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    World Health Day: Menstrual Educator, Sujata Pawar Highlights The Importance Of Prioritizing Well-Being

    The World Health Day, observed on April 7th every year, is a global awareness day that aims to draw attention to significant health issues and promote healthy living. This year’s theme, “Health for All,” underscores the need to address health inequities and disparities worldwide. As the world continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance […] More

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    Menstrual history may hold the key to women’s heart health: BMC Medicine

    UK: A new study published in BMC Medicine has found that menstrual cycle characteristics could be an important factor in predicting cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in women. The study, conducted by researchers in the UK and using data from The Health Improvement Network, found that women with a history of irregular or infrequent menstrual cycles […] More