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    ‘Green’ Mediterranean Diet has “biggest impact” on proximal aortic de-stiffening: JACC

    USA: Post hoc analysis of a randomized trial revealed that aortic stiffness regressed in overweight or dyslipidemic individuals who started a healthy diet; the biggest benefit was seen with a low-calorie “green” Mediterranean diet. Researchers found that the green Mediterranean diet regressed proximal aortic stiffness by 15%, the Mediterranean diet by 7.3%, and the healthy […] More

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    Mediterranean diet reduces women’s cardiovascular disease and death risk by a quarter, finds study

    Sticking closely to a Mediterranean diet cuts a woman’s risks of cardiovascular disease and death by nearly 25%, finds a pooled data analysis of the available evidence published online in the journal Heart. To build on the evidence base to inform sex specific guidance and clinical practice, the researchers trawled research databases for studies looking […] More