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    1 doctor Terminated, another Suspended for Unethical Activities, black marketing of medicines in UP

    Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh Government recently terminated the service of a government doctor and suspended another for allegedly being involved in “unethical activities” including black marketing of medicines. Confirming this development, he Deputy Chief Minister of the State, Brajesh Pathak on Friday warned of stringent actions against those who work against the rules, adds ANI. The […] More

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    Prices of 651 essential medicines down by 7 percent

    New Delhi: In a major relief to consumers, the National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority of India (NPPA) on Monday said that the cost of 651 essential medicines has come down by an average of 6.73 per cent from April with the government capping ceiling prices of a majority of the scheduled drugs. In a tweet, the […] More