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    Ovulation: Why It Matters For Pregnancy?

    Ovulation: Why It Matters For Pregnancy?

    Ovulation is an important part of your menstrual cycle. It occurs when an egg is released from the ovary. The phase has a major role in deciding the fertility window and hence plays a crucial role in pregnancy. The egg released from the ovary each month might or might not be fertilized by the sperm. […] More

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    Menstrual Health: Why It Matters For Women’s Overall Well-Being?

    The subject of menstrual health has been plagued by a long-standing history of cultural and religious biases, patriarchal ideologies, and a general dearth of awareness and education. Menstruation has traditionally been viewed through a lens of impurity, leading to negative attitudes and stigmatization. In patriarchal societies, a culture of ‘silence’ and ‘shame’ has further propagated […] More