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    Health Equity: Addressing Health Disparities And Inequalities Requires A Multifaceted Strategy

    Health equity is not just a buzzword; it is a fundamental and necessary right of all humans that should be accessible to all individuals, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status. Unfortunately, health disparities and inequalities continue to exist in many communities worldwide, leaving many individuals with inadequate access to healthcare and poorer health outcomes. […] More

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    COVID Inequalities: Is Self-Isolation An Elite Concept?

    COVID Inequalities: Is Self-Isolation An Elite Concept?

    Kamlesh works as a house helper in Agra. She is a mother to two small children. She describes her house as having one room where the family of four stays together. She recounts her experiences during the second COVID wave where her financial situation forced her to continue to move out of the house and […] More

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    Inequalities in Childhood Vaccination Across India: Understanding the Root Causes and Potential Solutions

    Timely immunization among children has been recognized as an essential intervention to improve child survival outcomes. India shares the highest burden of unvaccinated children in terms of headcount numbers. These children being vulnerable to vaccine-preventable diseases, are also at higher risk of poor health and nutritional outcomes, leading to a high risk of morbidity, and […] More