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    Short and Extrashort Dental Implants With Wide Diameter Appropriate for Implant-Supported Posterior Restorations

    Short and Extrashort Dental Implants With Wide Diameter Appropriate for Implant-Supported Posterior Restorations

    Short and Extrashort Dental Implants With Wide Diameter Appropriate for Implant-Supported Posterior Restorations suggests a new study published in the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Rehabilitation with wide-diameter reduced-length implants has become popular for patients with minimal vertical bone. However, a consensus on the benefits of this approach is lacking. The purpose of this systematic review […] More

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    Extra-short implants as effective as regular-length implants with lower biological complications

    Extra-short implants as effective as regular-length implants with lower biological complications

    A new study published in the Official Journal of the Academy of Osseointegration suggests that extra-short implants had less biological problems, required less time for treatment, and had stronger peri-implant bone crest stability than standard-length implants when implanted in grafted regions at various longitudinal follow-up intervals. Because of its good clinical performance in clinical practice, […] More