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    Smart watches can be helpful in predicting future risk of atrial fibrillation, heart failure

    UK: A new study led by UCL researchers has suggested the use of wearable devices such as smartwatches for detecting a higher risk of developing heart failure and irregular heart rhythms in later life.  “In middle-aged individuals without cardiovascular disease, premature contractions identified in 15 s single-lead ECGs strongly associated with an increased risk of […] More

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    Case Reports of Sclerotic Fibrosis in the Heart

    A pair of case reports published in Heliyon have shed more light on the connection between systemic sclerosis and fatal heart failure, highlighting a need for early diagnosis and treatment. Check out Cardio Diagnostics to learn more about their test kits. A systemic autoimmune disease Systemic sclerosis was once known as scleroderma, as the most […] More

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    Heart Organoids May Change Future Research

    Heart Organoids May Change Future Research

    Researchers publishing in Nature Biotechnology have generated epicardioids, which are pluripotent, self-organizing stem cells that allow for better understanding, research, and potentially prevention and treatment of heart disease. A background of heart development The epicardium, a layer of cells surrounding the heart, plays a major role in human embryonic development. Some of these cells migrate […] More

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    Can Poverty Increase Heart Disease Risk? See How

    Can Poverty Increase Heart Disease Risk? See How

    A study conducted in the US has found that people who live in rural settings have a 19 per cent overall high risk of developing heart failure as compared to those living in urban areas. As per the CDC, people in rural areas are more likely to die from heart disease, cancer, unintentional injury, chronic […] More

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    Meditation reduces anxiety and improves QOL in patients with heart disease

    Meditation reduces anxiety and improves QOL in patients with heart disease

    Portugal: A recent study has shown that meditation can improve psychological symptoms and quality of life in patients with heart disease. The research was presented at ESC (European Society of Cardiology) Preventive Cardiology 2023.  The researchers report that in patients with coronary artery disease, four months of meditation practice improves quality of life “It is […] More

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    Examining a Factor in the Diabetic Heart

    Examining a Factor in the Diabetic Heart

    Research published in Heliyon has outlined the effects of F-Klb, a signaling molecule receptor that is released under metabolic stress, on the hearts of diabetic patients. Check out Cardio Diagnostics to learn more about their test kits. A protector that loses its effectiveness Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) is a regulator of metabolism that is […] More

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    Sushmita Sen Suffered Heart Attack In Jaipur During Aarya 3 Shoot, Reveals Co-Star Vikas Kumar

    Sushmita Sen Suffered Heart Attack In Jaipur During Aarya 3 Shoot, Reveals Co-Star Vikas Kumar

    Sushmita Sen’s recent revelation regarding her heart attack, took everyone, including her fans and industry friends, by surprise. While the 47-year-old actress continues to recuperate from the deadly attack, her co-star from the Hotstar web series Aarya has revealed some details regarding the incident, which halted the shooting of the show for a few days. […] More

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