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    Examining a Factor in the Diabetic Heart

    Examining a Factor in the Diabetic Heart

    Research published in Heliyon has outlined the effects of F-Klb, a signaling molecule receptor that is released under metabolic stress, on the hearts of diabetic patients. Check out Cardio Diagnostics to learn more about their test kits. A protector that loses its effectiveness Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) is a regulator of metabolism that is […] More

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    Promoting Muscle Regeneration With an Immune Factor

    A paper published today in Nature Aging has shown that a macrophage-regulating factor has a significant impact on muscle regeneration. Healing slows with aging The researchers note two key reasons for the decline of regenerative abilities with aging. The first is stem cell exhaustion, the gradual depletion of stem cells and ensuing lack of functional […] More