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    The Hidden Face of Emotional Manipulation: Motives, Avoidance Strategies, and Empowerment [Unmasking Emotional Manipulation]


    The Hidden Face of Emotional Manipulation Motives, Avoidance Strategies, and Empowerment [Unmasking Emotional Manipulation]

    People engage in emotional manipulation as a way to exert control, gain advantages, or satisfy their own needs at the expense of others’ well-being. Emotional manipulation involves tactics that manipulate and exploit someone’s emotions, thoughts, or behaviors. The motives behind emotional manipulation can vary, and here are some common ones: Power and control: Manipulators seek […] More

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    Unlocking the Mysteries of Verbal Abuse: What Drives It, How to Stop It, and Some Examples

    Unlocking the Mysteries of Verbal Abuse What Drives It, How to Stop It, and Some Examples

    People may engage in verbal abuse for various reasons, driven by their own personal motives. It’s important to note that verbal abuse is harmful and should never be justified. Here are some common motives behind verbal abuse: Power and control: Verbal abusers seek to establish dominance and control over others. By using demeaning, insulting, or […] More