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    Study finds sex of blood donor to have no effect on recipient survival

    Study finds sex of blood donor to have no effect on recipient survival

    The possible impact of the sex of a blood donor on recipient survival has been an unanswered question in transfusion medicine since 2015, when the American National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute identified it as a research priority. Some evidence suggested that sex-related differences such as hormone levels in male and female blood might affect […] More

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    With The New ART Law, Donor Cycle Will Become More Difficult And Expensive

    Infertility management is certainly challenging and assisted reproductive technique (ART) has been gaining in acceptance due to the rising prevalence of infertility in both males and females. Infertility is now affecting approximately 10–14 per cent of Indian couples, according to the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction (ISAR). Low sperm counts in males and decreased egg […] More