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    Women Kept Out Of Clinical Trials For Long: What Are The Dangers Of It?

    In recent times, we have started to understand that many women might go undiagnosed for a cardiac event like a heart attack because they don’t fit the stereotypical symptoms such as the classic pain in the chest. They might instead experience extreme fatigue or a feeling of having bad acid reflux. If men and women […] More

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    Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Children: 7 Untold Dangers of Fat Build Ups Inside The Liver

    The liver is a vital organ responsible for detoxifying the body, producing bile, and regulating metabolism. Liver diseases, including viral hepatitis, fatty liver disease, cirrhosis, and liver cancer, can have severe consequences if left untreated. Amongst children, Fatty Liver disease, viral infections of the liver and liver cirrhosis are some of the more common liver […] More

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    Unprotected sex risks: Dangers you should be aware of and what to do

    There are times when you end up having sex without a condom. It may be because you trust your partner or the condom just breaks during sex. But having sex without a barrier can increase your chance of an unplanned pregnancy. Unprotected sex risks also includes contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Going by World […] More