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    Elevated gliosis index in brain after acute COVID-19 infection linked to depressive and or cognitive symptoms: JAMA

    Canada: A case-control study revealed higher translocator protein distribution volume (TSPO VT), an index of gliosis, in COVID-DC (COVID-19 with persistent depressive and cognitive symptoms) patients. The study, published in JAMA Psychiatry, showed elevation of TSPO VT in 20 patients with persistent depressive and cognitive symptoms after initially mild to moderate COVID-19 infection, compared with […] More

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    Regular consumption of walnuts could benefit adolescents’ cognitive and psychological development: Study

    Walnuts when eaten on a regular basis could benefit the cognitive development and psychological maturation of adolescents. These are some of the conclusions reached by a study led by the Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili (IISPV), in which ISGlobal (a centre promoted by “la Caixa” Foundation) and the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) […] More

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    Cognitive Distortions: Do You Make Habitual Errors In Thinking?

    Most of us make errors in thinking, now and then. It is natural to fall for thinking patterns not based on facts or reality. However, when they become a pattern and start to affect your day-to-day life, then they need to be addressed. Cognitive distortions are perceptions of self, the world and life around us […] More

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    Retinal OCT measurements may Predict future cognitive impairment

    Retinal OCT measurements may Predict future cognitive impairment

    Researchers have found in a retrospective study after examining 50,000 optical coherence tomography (OCT) images from a large database that thicknesses of several different retinal layers were significantly associated with Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease polygenic risk scores. Further higher baseline thickness of two specific retinal layers was also significantly associated with poorer clinical cognitive […] More

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    Wild blueberries may lower BP and enhance cognitive function

    Wild blueberries may lower BP and enhance cognitive function

    In healthy older adults, daily use of wild blueberry (WBB) powder, corresponding to 178 grams of fresh weight, enhances vascular and cognitive function and lowers 24 hour ambulatory systolic blood pressure, says an article published in The American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition. There is proof that eating blueberry (poly)phenols leads to enhancements in vascular health […] More

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    Use of powered toothbrush improves oral health parameters among individuals with mild cognitive impairment

    Use of powered toothbrush improves oral health parameters among individuals with mild cognitive impairment

    Use of powered toothbrush improves oral health parameters among individuals with mild cognitive impairment suggests a new study published in the Gerodontology The aim of the study is to investigate whether the use of a powered toothbrush could maintain oral health by reducing the dental plaque (PI), bleeding on probing (BOP), and periodontal pocket depth […] More

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    Tai chi effective in older people with diabetes and cognitive impairment: JAMA

    Tai chi effective in older people with diabetes and cognitive impairment: JAMA

    In a new study by Yannan Chen and team which included senior citizens with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), it was shown that tai chi chuan was superior to fitness walking at enhancing general cognitive performance. The findings of this study were published in the Journal of American Medical Association. Cognitive […] More

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    Cognitive Depression: New Study Says Probiotics Can Help Ease Symptoms

    The discussion on mental health issues are being held more and more these days. There were several stigmas attached to it in the generations that came before ours. Even in the 21st century some people struggle to open up about their own mental state. However, the resources required to treat any kind of issues related […] More