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    Revisiting Atopic March: Clinical Overview and Treatment Options

    Atopic March was first described more than 20 years ago as “the natural history of atopic manifestations, characterized by a typical sequence of progression of clinical signs of atopic disease, with some signs becoming more prominent while others subside. (1) Allergies Develop in Clusters: Predictable Trajectories? The concept of Atopic March has changed throughout time […] More

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    Women Kept Out Of Clinical Trials For Long: What Are The Dangers Of It?

    In recent times, we have started to understand that many women might go undiagnosed for a cardiac event like a heart attack because they don’t fit the stereotypical symptoms such as the classic pain in the chest. They might instead experience extreme fatigue or a feeling of having bad acid reflux. If men and women […] More

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    Parkinson’s Disease: Clinical Update

    Parkinson’s Disease: Clinical Update

    Parkinson’s disease, the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder, is characterised by motor symptoms systematised in a traditional tetrad and abbreviated as TRAP (tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, and postural instability). (1) Although the precise cause of Parkinson’s disease is unknown, family history, ageing, and pesticide exposure have been identified as genetic and environmental risk factors. (2) Navigating […] More

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    New Clinical Practice Guideline on Hypertension by AAFP: Key takes

    New Clinical Practice Guideline on Hypertension by AAFP: Key takes

    The AAFP has issued new clinical practice guideline on appropriate blood pressure treatment targets for adults with hypertension. The guideline applies to individuals with hypertension with or without cardiovascular disease.  The guideline strongly recommends that clinicians treat adults who have hypertension to a standard blood pressure target of less than 140/90 mm Hg to reduce […] More