Music composer Abhishek Ray shared a major throwback picture on his Instagram featuring him with veteran singer Sonu Nigam. On Wednesday, the Welcome Back singer shared a photo from his trek to Nanda Devi Peak, Uttarakhand, with Sonu Nigam. In the image, they can be seen sitting, looking away from the camera, while in the background, we can see snow-clad mountains. Sharing the image, Abhishek wrote, “#Memories in the shadow of the virgin peak #nandadevi with brother @sonunigamofficial! An arduous trek into the mighty trans #Himalayas etched some magnificent memories which are timeless… A decade and a half back… Seems like yesterday.”
Soon after he shared the post, Sonu Nigam in the comment section gave more details about this picture. He wrote, “6th May 2006… One of the most memorable days of my life… I’m so glad we did it back then when my knees were kind to me.” He also added, “Wish I could do it again.”
Take a look below:Â
Abhishek Ray is a talented music composer and singer. He is known for composing and singing for several award-winning films such as Welcome Back, Saheb, Biwi Aur Gangster, Paan Singh Tomar, I Am Kalam, Yeh Saali Zindagi and more. He composed Aye Jahaan Asmaan, a concerto of love, sung by Sonu Nigam and Shreya Ghoshal.Â
On the other hand, Sonu Nigam needs no introduction, the Padma Shri awardee has given many hit songs to award-winning films such as Saathiya, Dil Chahta Hai, Kal Ho Naa Ho and many more.
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