Bollywood star Janhvi Kapoor knows how to send the internet into a tizzy. All she has to do is add another post to her long list of glamorous uploads on Instagram. Late on Thursday, Janhvi did just this. She shared a bunch of images in which she is seen dressed in a Tarun Tahiliani ensemble with a bold red lip. She posted the carousel with the simple caption, “Kissie,” with a kiss emoji. Janhvi’s look received a lot of love from her family, friends, and fans. However, one comment caught everyone’s attention. The comment in question is by the star’s rumoured boyfriend Shikhar Pahariya who reacted to the photo with heart and heart-eye emojis. Meanwhile, the pictures also received a lot from Janhvi’s sister Anshula Kapoor who wrote, “I can’t” with a heart-eye emoji.
Janhvi Kapoor’s cousin, producer-stylist Rhea Kapoor dropped a heart emoji. Janhvi’s BFF Orhan Awatramani said, “The [star emoji].” Actress Parvathy Thiruvothu dropped fire and heart emojis.
Check out the images here:
Earlier this week, Janhvi Kapoor also shared a special birthday message for Shikhar Pahariya. On the occasion, she shared a rather cute image of the two walking hand-in-hand, with their back to the camera. Sharing the image, Janhvi captioned it, “Happy Birthday Shikhu.” In a second frame, Janhvi posted a photo of Shikhar from his childhood. Sharing the picture, Janhvi said, “HBD Shikhar, don’t be grumpy.” See the images here.
Just last week, the two were also spotted offering prayers at the Tirupati Balaji Temple in Andhra Pradesh.
While neither Janhvi Kapoor nor Shikhar Pahariya have confirmed their relationship, they have often been spotted together in public. Shikhar, who is an entrepreneur, polo player, and philanthropist, is the grandson of former Maharashtra chief minister, Sushil Kumar Shinde. It has been rumoured that he was in a romantic relationship with Janhvi some years ago, but the two parted ways.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Janhvi Kapoor will be seen in director Nitesh Tiwari’s film Bawaal alongside Varun Dhawan. She will also feature in a sports drama film Mr and Mrs Maahi opposite Rajkummar Rao as well as Jr NTR’s next film.
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