On their first wedding anniversary on Friday, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor were spotted at the construction site of their Krishna Raj bungalow in Mumbai. The couple happily posed for the paparazzi stationed at the site. Alia was all smiles as she appeared to kiss husband Ranbir Kapoor. Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s love story began on the sets of Brahmastra, their first film together. The stars got married in April last year at their house Vastu, in front of a few family members and close friends.
See the photos from last night here:
On their first anniversary, Alia Bhatt shared a carousel post. She simply captioned the post: “Happy day.” The first picture is from their haldi ceremony. The second shot is from when Ranbir proposed to Alia in Masai Mara and the third one is a greyscale picture of the couple. Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s love story began on the sets of Brahmastra, their first film together.
Check out Alia Bhatt’s post here:
Alia Bhatt married her Brahmastra co-star Ranbir Kapoor in April last year at their house Vastu, in front of a few family members and close friends. The star couple had been dating for over 5 years before getting married. Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor welcomed their first child, a baby daughter on November 6 last year. The actress announced the news of her daughter’s arrival with this post and she wrote: “And in the best news of our lives:- Our baby is here…and what a magical girl she is. We are officially bursting with love – blessed and obsessed Parents! Love, love, love Alia and Ranbir.” They named her Raha.”
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