Vivo T2 5G will go on sale in India for the first time on Tuesday via the company’s India e-store and Flipkart. The new Vivo T2-series smartphone was launched in the country last week alongside Vivo T2x 5G. It is sold in Nitro Blaze and Velocity Wave colour options in two RAM and storage configurations. The Vivo T2 5G is powered by a Snapdragon 695 5G SoC, coupled with 8GB of RAM. With the Extended RAM 3.0 feature, unused free storage can be utilised as virtual memory. A 64-megapixel dual rear camera setup, 90Hz refresh rate display, 4,500mAh battery, and 44W fast charging support are the other key specifications of the recently launched phone.
Vivo T2 5G price in India, launch offers
Vivo T2 5G price in India starts at Rs. 18,999 for the 6GB RAM 128GB storage configuration, while the 8GB RAM 128GB variant is priced at Rs. 20,999. This handset is offered in Nitro Blaze and Velocity Wave shades. It is available for purchase starting at at 12am (midnight) on Tuesday via the Vivo India e-store, Flipkart as well as retail stores.
Flipkart’s sale offers on the Vivo T2 5G include a discount of Rs. 1,500 for customers purchasing the handset via HDFC, and ICICI Bank cards or EMI transactions. Customers purchasing the handset with Axis Bank credit card and EMI transactions will get up to Rs. 750 discount. The e-commerce website is providing no-cost EMI options starting at Rs. 6,333.
Vivo T2 5G specifications
The dual-SIM (Nano) Vivo T2 5G runs Funtouch OS 13 based on Android 13 and features a 6.38-inch AMOLED (1,080×2,400 pixels) display with up to 90Hz refresh rate. It has a 6 nm-based Snapdragon 695 SoC under the hood, coupled with up to 8GB of RAM.
The Vivo T2 5G sports a dual rear camera setup with a 64-megapixel primary sensor and a 2-megapixel bokeh sensor. For selfies and video chats, there is a 16-megapixel front-facing camera.
The Chinese smartphone maker has equipped the Vivo T2 5G with up to 128GB of inbuilt storage that can be expanded (up to 1TB) via a microSD card. Connectivity options include 5G, Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.1, GPS, OTG, Beidu, Glonass, and a USB Type-C port. Sensors on board include an accelerometer, ambient light sensor, e-compass, gyroscope and proximity sensor. For authentication, it features an in-display fingerprint sensor.
The Vivo T2 5G features a 4,500mAh battery with 44W fast charging support. The fast-charging technology is claimed to fill the battery up to 50 percent in as little as 25 minutes. Besides, it measures 158.91×73.53×7.80mm and weighs 172 grams.
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